Privacy policy.

The Proprietor is committed to comply with the regulations on the Protection of Personal Data and to respect the privacy of Users. The objective is to offer the best service to the User and for this it is necessary to treat their personal data.

  1. Data Controller


VAT NUMBER: B93680163

Address: Polo Digital. Sor Teresa Prat Avenue nº 15. 29003 Málaga.

Telephone: +34 672712281

  1. Purpose and legal standing

Attending to inquiries: Attending to the queries of the User who gets in touch through the Forms or communication tools available on the Web Site. When using the WhatsApp tool for queries, you explicitly accept that your data will be processed by this application, which involves the transfer of your data to a country outside the EU. The legitimate basis for the processing is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the GDPR.

Sale: Management of the sales process of the products selected by the User. The legitimate basis for the processing is the execution of a contract to which the User is a party, in accordance with art. 6.1.b) of the RGPD.

Registration: Procedure to communicate the User's interest in participating in activities. The legitimate basis for the processing is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD.

Comments: Management of comments made by the registered User through the Blog. The legitimate basis for the treatment is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD.

Navigation data: Data collected by our own or third party cookies that may be generated by this Web Site, the User having been informed and accepting them. The legitimate basis for the processing is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD.

Commercial communications: For Users who voluntarily accept this option. They will be sent promotions, advertising, offers, news, invitations to events and any type of commercial information from The Proprietor. The legitimate basis for the processing is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD.

Personalized commercial communications: For the Users who voluntarily accept this option, they will be sent promotions, advertising, offers, news, invitations to events and any type of personalized commercial information that The Proprietor may determine based on their behavior, preferences and personal profile. The legitimate basis for the processing is the consent of the User, in accordance with art. 6.1.a) of the RGPD.

In any case, the User may subsequently at any time object to receiving commercial communications by sending an email to from the same account in which the communications are received or by unsubscribing at the bottom of the comercial communications.

  1. Preservation period

The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and its deletion is not requested and, under all circumstances, in compliance with the applicable legal statute of limitations.

  1. Transfers

There are no plans to transfer the data collected through this Web site to third parties, unless expressly indicated in the relevant informative text.

In relation to the management of services, Users' data may be processed by companies that provide The Proprietor with various services, including shipping, courier, accounting, consulting, computer maintenance, or any other that, due to their status as Data Processor, it is essential or inevitable that they access or process this data. This treatment will not be considered in any case a transfer of data.

  1. Rights of the interested parties

Users may exercise their rights of access, correction, deletion, portability and limitation or opposition by sending a signed request by mail with subject "Data Protection", to the address: Polo Digital. Sor Teresa Prat Avenue No. 15. 29003 Malaga, clearly indicating the contact details and sending a copy of their identity document or sending a request by email with subject " Rights Exercise", to, from the same email account you provided. Users have the right to withdraw the consent given and have the right to complain to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency

  1. Free text form fields

The free text fields that may appear in the forms of the Web site, at the User's disposal, have the sole and exclusive purpose of collecting information to improve the quality of the Services.

The User shall not include in those "free text fields" any personal data that may be qualified as protected data, such as, but not limited to, data related to economic and financial situation, psychological profiles, ideology, religion, beliefs, union membership, health, racial origin and/or sexual life.

  1. Non-mandatory fields

The Proprietor informs the User of the non-mandatory nature of the collection of some data, except in fields where otherwise indicated by an (*). However, failure to complete such data may prevent the provision of all those Services linked to such data, releasing them from any liability for the non-provision or incomplete provision of these Services.

  1. Access and correction of personal data

The User agrees to providing true information in relation to their personal data, and keep the data provided to The Proprietor always updated. The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided. The Proprietor reserves the right to exclude any User who has provided false data from the services, without prejudice to any other actions that may be applicable by law. The data provided by the User shall be presumed correct, so that, in case of erroneous sending of data by the User, The Proprietor disclaims any liability for incorrect execution or non-execution of the shipment, as well as the incorrect fulfillment of the necessary administrative procedures.

  1. Confidentiality

In addition, the information that the parties exchange among themselves, that which they agree to be confidential, or that which simply concerns the content of this information, will also have the status of confidential information. The data display through the Internet does not imply direct access to it, except with the express consent of its owner in each case.

  1. Photographs

In compliance with the provisions of the current regulations on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that photographs in which people appear are considered personal data. With this communication we inform you that photographs of people may appear on this Web site for promotional purposes and that they have voluntarily agreed to do so. If in any case, any person appearing in them wishes that any photograph is not shown, we request them to contact us and we will proceed to remove it as soon as possible. It will not be valid for people who have provided a service in a professional manner.

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