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World of Warships

Sumérgete de lleno en vertiginosas batallas navales y forma una armada de más de 400 barcos, desde destructores sigilosos hasta acorazados gigantes. ¡Cambia la apariencia de tu barco, elige mejoras que se ajusten a tu estilo de juego y lánzate a la refriega para luchar contra otros jugadores!

View Implementation Guide
Compatibilidad OWO
Platform Compability
MMO | Combate Vehicular
Compatibilidad OWO
Platform Compability
MMO | Combate Vehicular
World of Warships
This game requires Overwolf to connect with the OWO System.
First, access the official Overwolf website: Overwolf.
On this page, click on 'Appstore', which appears in the upper right corner.
Once there, click on the magnifying glass, type in the search engine 'OWO Connect' and download that file. Open the file after downloading it.
Download and install the My OWO App from our website, Play Store or App Store.
Then open the My OWO App and connect the OWO Device to the app. In the menu, go to the 'GAMES' section. On 'GAMES' click on 'Scan Game'.
Start World of Warships. The following menu should appear on the left side of the screen. To minimize the panel, press Ctrl + F.
Click on the ON/OFF button in this menu, changing the icon above the IP address to orange.
Go back to the My OWO App. Click on the 'Connect' button that appears.
Go back to World of Warships. You will see how the color of the icon mentioned in step #7 changes to green.
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